TRUE MINIMALIST.... not really
March 06, 2020
(throwing back to the super happy days even though my expressions says otherwise lol
not so happy with mi Madre making me pose with a flower haha)
something i have been thinking for quite sometime now..all my life I thought of minimalism as that perfect notion of 'how to live one's life happily', turns out I wasn't quite right about it.
I don't know but I've always or most of the time seen good in people that is why I'm good at starting conversations or making friends I guess - honestly considering him/her to be nicest warmest person I met, oversharing which then leads me to a point where it all comes crashing down . He/she wasn't the person you thought they were (a wolf in sheep's clothing? ... maybe) and so forth. Why am I back again with the same mundane stories of betrayal you ask? Well, because here is the root of all problems. SETTLING FOR LESS.
I've had scary big ambitions in life - which mostly just vanish into thin air because my focus shifted lol. Shit happened !! It would've been absolutely worth it if settling with less comes with happiness but in my case - my destiny had other plans - there's always been a cycle of 'being over friendly- 2 sec of fake emotions- betrayal- heartbreaks' episodes. OH NO NO! I'm not completely innocent - we all make mistakes I did too but honestly my intentions were harmless. Exactly bringing me back to the point as to why settling for less is dangerous for me.
Never too late though right?
my FOCUS has shifted.
my CHAKRAS are aligned.
(mercury retrograde can buzz off lol)
my INNER PEACE is back (Po's voice)
"being a minimalist if fine as long as you don't literally settle for it"