Strong like RED (HNY 2016)
December 31, 2015
Here we mark the end of one more year in the history of human world - 2015 . Yet another year has passed by before we even knew it. How "TIME" seems to fly by so fast!!
Year experience: Turned 22oooo o o *singing*. Graduated from college which is both bad and good news.

Things went little offline a bit after that mostly result of me overthinking like always , of the fear- fear of failure , of disappointments, of hurting people , of running away from problems, of not being able to accept the way I am.
Then like for every problem there is a solution, for me MY HOME was the solution. Home healed me , it made me stronger inside. Being there made me realise the importance of LIFE and for the first time in years I was actually at peace and enjoying myself.

Now I'm more happier than ever , of course I'm fearful of things but then this fear helps keep the realization awake, and makes me work harder on things I've been clumsy on be it a relationship with anyone, my own negative vibes, regrets and so on.
I believe there are no BAD YEARS, but just the bad things that happens to us. We all go through rough times but then there are good times too. We can't let that one bad experience change our view of that specific time or year.
It'll be NEW YEAR tomorrow - 2016 and I remember making few resolutions in beginning of 2015 but don't exactly remember what they were lol but then my resolutions for this year are not too complicated but just to value, respect and cherish sincerely the people closest to me because I often don't and without them I wouldn't be where I am now.

Be grateful and thankful for wherever and whatever I am/ have today. To be able to do good and not just try to be liked by everyone because people are going to point out the flaws anyways . Hopefully be more adventurous. Forget and forgive. Believe . Blog more often . Work hard. Be myself and lastly AIN't RUNNIN FROM MYSELF NOMORE.

Happy new year everybody
Cheers !
(I'm wearing read in all the pictures if you guys have noticed, since my earlier pictures were in red I did a little photo shoot in red too. I think RED is a strong colour , I admit I'm not too strong inside but then this is a pledge or a promise I'm making to BE STRONG from this year, to have the courage and willpower to face the problems and FIGHT *smiles*)